be your own boss: the steps to managing yourself effectively

Be your own boss

Learning Outcomes

+  Create self-awareness

+  Learn strategies to apply the ’10 Steps To Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation’ and application of principals direct reports and teams

+  Learn how to make Self Directed Teams work effectively

+  Learn the circuit breakers to bad habits

+  Design and practice better communication protocols with both direct reports and reporting managers to create responsible, accountable relationships

+  Understand pressure points and how to release -let off steam.

Target Audience

+     C-Suite

+     Senior Leadership Team

+     Senior Line Managers

+     Line Managers

+     Team Leaders

Delivery Modality - SELF-DIRECTED learning

+     Pre-program introduction, activities, surveys, readings, videos & exercises [electronic & hard copy]

+     Case studies

+     Group, paired and individual activities and

+     Group, paired and individual presentations

+     Post-program introduction, activities, surveys, readings, videos & exercises [electronic & hard copy]

+     Evaluation

Program Support

+     Personal availability

+     Constant and measured ‘check-in’

+     Pre, post and intra workshop communication

+     Alumni community

+ Follow up [tele-meeting, phone, face-to-face]


+     Intra program and post program assessment [hard copy & electronic]

+     Staged post program surveys

+     Participant guided reviews & assessments to measure ‘at work’ progress

+ Feedback and 360 surveys


More questions?

Call us on 1300 008 027 or email