The Secrets to Taming the Email Monster

Download ‘The Secrets to Taming the Email Monster’ - here.

Triage Your Calendar

Learn how to take control of your week. Download our quick guide to calm the chaos of an overloaded calendar. Download here


Monkey Management

A practical guide to not collecting a whole bunch of Monkeys on your back, and ending up drowning in work.

Download here

A study of 4 Day Working Week

Assessing Global Trials of Reduced Work Time With No Reduction In Pay

An interesting report looking at Global Trials of reduced worktime in alignment with the 4 Day Work Week initiative.

Authored by independent academic researchers at Boston College, University College Dublin and Cambridge University


Jony Ive - Lessons Learned From Steve Jobs

Jony Ive - Lessons Learned From Steve Jobs

Jony Ive talking about the lessons he learned from Steve Jobs. He joined Apple in 1992, and was promoted to senior vice president of industrial design in the late 1990s [after the return of Jobs] and Chief Design Officer in 2015.

Working closely with Jobs he played a vital role in the designs of the iMac, Power Mac G4 Cube, iPod, iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and the user interface of Apple's mobile operating system iOS, among other products.

Simon Sinek - The Infinite Game

Ben Zander - The Transformative Power Of Classical Music

Simon Sinek - The Infinite Game

Simon introduces his view of business as The Infinite Game and explores how great businesses achieve long-lasting success. He finds that building long-term value and healthy, enduring growth - that playing the infinite game - is the only thing that matters to business.


Ben Zander - The Transformative Power Of Classical Music

Benjamin Zander has two infectious passions: classical music, and helping people realise our untapped love for it -- and by extension, our untapped love for all new possibilities, new experiences, new connections.