the leader as change agent
Learning Outcomes
+ Build a clear understanding of how to manage change as a leader
+ Define exactly what change/reform is required, needed, intended
+ Develop a specific Change Matrix
+ Establish an implementation and process and protocol – who is affected, how, when
+ Design and implement specific communication protocols around the Change Matrix.
+ Understand the leaders responsibilities in relation to organisational change and ensure role clarity
+ Create cohesive Change Matrices at each level and learn to coach direct reports and the organisation around proposed reform/change.
+ Understand and recognise reform/change pressure points, in self and others, including differing personal responses to change and when release is required, and how to self- regulate in the face of change.
Target Audience
+ C-Suite
+ Senior Leadership Team
+ Senior Line Managers
+ Line Managers
+ Team Leaders
Delivery Modality - SELF-DIRECTED learning
+ Pre-program introduction, activities, surveys, readings, videos & exercises [electronic & hard copy]
+ Case studies
+ Group, paired and individual activities and
+ Group, paired and individual presentations
+ Post-program introduction, activities, surveys, readings, videos & exercises [electronic & hard copy]
+ Evaluation
Program Support
+ Personal availability
+ Constant and measured ‘check-in’
+ Pre, post and intra workshop communication
+ Alumni community
+ Follow up [tele-meeting, phone, face-to-face]
+ Intra program and post program assessment [hard copy & electronic]
+ Staged post program surveys
+ Participant guided reviews & assessments to measure ‘at work’ progress
+ Feedback and 360 surveys